Operation Adopt A Soldier hosts fundraising events all year long to help individuals and families in need. 100% of our event proceeds go directly to our cause.
Denise is a dedicated wife and mother of two deployed soldiers. She has witnessed the life altering toll deployment takes on soldiers and their families first hand.
Crotched Mountain Atech Services, NH
Crotched Mountain Foundation is dedicated to serving individuals with disabilities and their families, embracing personal choice and development, and building communities of mutual support.
Operation Adopt A Soldier is able to be successful because of the generous support and donations from kind, compassionate people who want to show their gratitude for the sacrifices our Soldiers and their families make.
Operation Adopt A Soldier hosts many fundraising events throughout the year. Find out how you can get more involved through our events.
Operation Adopt A Soldier connects those in need with services & veteran friendly businesses such as the Cape Cod Veterans Directory.
Reach Out
Operation Adopt A Soldier has devoted its energy to passionately advocating for the needs of our military men and women and their families in times of life crises. Find out how you can contribute to the future of someone in need through donations of money, services and time.